Cosmic People – Confidential – Student Feedback Questionnaire

Cosmic People are pleased to provide your specialist student support.

We would like to gain an understanding of how your Specialist Support has benefited you. Thank you for taking a few moments to complete and return this short questionnaire. Please advise if you require a different format. Please feel free to answer anonymously if preferred. (Please note your comments will be shared with your Higher Educational Institution unless stated).

Your Name

Your Email Address

Tutor’s Name:


1. How have you found your experience so far? (Please select appropriate area & please comment)

2. How has the support benefited you? (Please select all appropriate areas & please comment)

Learning goals
Other (please specify in your comments)

3. Location of Support: Is the support provided in a discreet, confidential, and comfortable location.

4. With regards to your support, how would you rate the following? (Please tick the appropriate box)

A. Punctuality & Reliability

B. Professionalism

C. Knowledge

D. Communication skills

E. Understanding your needs

5. Are there any aspects of your support that you feel can be improved to meet your requirements? (Please comment below).

6. On a scale of 1 -10 (10 being extremely likely), how likely are you to recommend Cosmic People?

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